HFK Family Reunion 2024
On August 18, 2024 HFK hosted its first ever HFK Family Reunion!
HFK Family gathered at the Small Picnic Area of the Lafayette Reservoir in Lafayette, CA. The reservoir is just a short drive from our original HFK headquarters, making it a perfect location for the reunion.

The 2024 HFK Family Reunion was a significant milestone - the first official reunion since HFK was started by our founder (Randy Farris) in 2010.
The event brought together a total of 41 individuals. Among the attendees were esteemed HFK Alumni, dedicated Staff & Board members, as well as cherished family & friends. This event served as a testament to the enduring bond and shared experiences that unite our HFK Family. In true HFK fashion, the reunion provided a space for reconnecting with old friends, reminiscing about past trip memories, and reigniting relationships amongst new and past alumni.
As people arrived to the event, attendees were invited to create a name tag, take Polaroid pics to put in the guestbook, enter into a raffle, and grab a Human Bingo sheet. The competition for Human Bingo was intense as many folks had just one square to fill! Shout out to Jackie (Tijuana Team Captain) who took the win! Seated at the picnic tables, people mingled as they shared a delicious meal and tuned in to some HFK updates from Diego (Executive Director). The afternoon was wrapped up with some volleyball and lawn games in addition to a big announcement of our raffle winner - Paulina (former HFK Staff & Alumni)!
The 41 event attendees came from places all around the country - highlighting the true heart of HFK! It is evident strong relational bonds are formed on HFK trips. Having past trip participants show up from the last 10+ years shows the lasting impact that these trips have on people. The event not only celebrated HFK’s past and current achievements, it also laid the foundation for future collaborations.
Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for our inaugural Family Reunion.
We pray this is a start to a new tradition, and hope you’ll join us!
This reunion was part of #HFKRetreatWeekend, read about Saturday’s happenings here.